Home / Case Studies / Farming on Biogas: One Farmer’s Journey to Sustainability
Limuru, Kenya
30 cows
The case
Mr. Joe Gachanja, a farmer in Limuru, Kenya, faced a significant challenge with the rising costs of electricity for his farm operations.
His farm was consuming excessive electricity to power various machines, and the use of LPG, charcoal, and firewood was adding to his expenses.
In 2022, he installed a Sistema 80 biogas system, complete with a biogas generator, water heater, milking machine, and a chaff cutter that was modified to run on biogas.
The solution
With the new biogas system, Mr. Gachanja was able to reduce his reliance on electricity by 70%, and completely eliminated his dependence on LPG, charcoal, and firewood.
The biogas system now powers all of his essential equipment, including the milking machine, water pump, and chaff cutter, while the biofertilizer produced is used to enhance crop yields on the farm.
Sistema.bio results
The financial benefits were substantial: Mr. Gachanja not only saved money on fuel and energy costs but also increased farm productivity, which allowed him to diversify and expand his operations. The savings and efficiency improvements have made his farm a model of sustainable farming.
As a result, Mr. Gachanja’s farm has become a Sistema.bio center of excellence, where farmers from all over Kenya visit to learn about biogas technology and its benefits.
This transition to biogas has empowered Mr. Gachanja to continue growing his farm in an environmentally sustainable manner, while also making his operation more cost-effective and resilient in the face of rising energy costs.