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To the date we have sold more than 6,500 biodigesters, our goal for 2019 is to sell 5,000 more.

2019 is the Game Changer year for, we have strategic plans to grow as a company.  We expect to bring clean and renewable energy and biofertilizer to more than 60,000 people over the world by the end of 2019. For this, we are focusing even more on partnerships and B2B to support our growth.

We are creating history, is growing in all aspects while helping thousands of people. Take a look on how much we have impacted the world so far: 

game changer, sistemabio Global Impacts

Improving and increasing the production of reactors

Our factory in Mexico is implementing new quality and manufacturing processes to serve our farmers with the best biogas products.

This year, our goal is to achieve the production of 8,000 units. Therefore, a third production line of reactors is being set-up, and we have also mastered our packaging process to bring high-quality systems at a better cost to everyone around the world.

Finally, Inés Ignacio joined the team as Factory Quality Coordinator, she is responsible for quality management monitoring.

sistemabio factory, toluca

Kenya is on fire!

This Q1 came with a lot of challenges and achievements from our talented Kenya team. In the Tech team, technical training has been implemented resulting in monitoring and installations time-saving.

The crew reached 300 installations just in this Q1, overcoming the numbers of the last year. Besides, two new members joined the team to improve the area performance, they will be focusing on engines and water boilers installations. These new products will be commercially available in 2019.

The commercial department is also working towards our 2019 goals, with emphasis on B2B relationships. Only in these three months, we partnered with the Wajir County Government to install our digesters in a slaughterhouse for the very first time in Kenya. Also, we have been training Heifer’s staff in Meru and Eldoret to raise awareness among farmers about technologies, we are even sharing offices with Heifer in Eldoret to consolidate operations among south rift families.  

In addition, we have crossed borders and made our first sale in South Sudan with Comboni Missionaries with support from Caritas, this is a big step in spreading our mission all over the world. 

Two new field offices in India India will open two new field offices in April, they’re located in Karnataka and Narayangaon.

The expected impact is huge, as we aim to make a change for around 5,000 dairy farmers per region. Also, we will hire 10 more Sales Promoters to make it happen.

Our motivation is to make people aware of our company and technology; we want to be closer to farmers, thus we can offer our full biogas solution package. With this strategy, we are targeting a range of farmers profiles, from 30 to 300 cows. [us_gallery ids=”3027″ columns=”1″]

Narayangaon Office:
Karnataka Office:

India offices, sistemabio

First biodigesters in Uruguay reaches Uruguay! Our Colombian team is installing 17 biodigesters in partnership with Uruguay government. This project was ideated by the government of  San Jose municipality in Uruguay and the World Bank to reduce the working time of dairy farmers and to solve manure discharges in watersheds.

NETUM (a partner) won the tender for the project and being aware of the high quality of our products and service packages, they decided to partner with us and bought 17 biodigesters to be installed in specialized dairy farms.

The primary objective of the project was to take actions to mitigate dairy farm’s contamination, as well as, the producers will benefit by having organic biofertilizer; and biogas for the production of artisanal cheeses, and water heating for the washing of milking machines. Nicaragua signed an alliance with a microfinance institution

On January 9, the Nicaraguan team partnered with the MFI FUNDENUSE; this new strategic alliance makes 2M USD available in credits for Nicaraguan farms.

As a result of this achievement, we seek to offer an alternative of green technologies to homes and farms in Nicaragua.Also, we trained FUNDENUSE’s credit agents to carry out activities to promote and sell our biodigesters. This collaboration will impact Nicaragua’s small and medium scale holders farmers.


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