How Biodigesters Can Support Equal Opportunities for Farmers

Swati Dhaigude

Customer Care Executive

Many days are celebrated throughout the year. One such day is World Social Justice Day, celebrated every February 20th to create awareness about social justice, and align all on the path of unity to overcome discrimination at various levels. This day, which is directly related to humanity, was started by the United Nations. works with smallholder farmers to address the challenges of poverty, food security and climate change. Biodigesters provide benefits to farmers:they provide an organic fertilizer for agriculture that improves soil quality. And secondly they provide energy in the form of biogas, which prevents loss of trees by displacing fuel wood. 400M smallholder farmers worldwide could use biodigesters to meet domestic energy and biofertilizer needs, generating savings and increasing yields and incomes.

As farmers look for innovative ways to economically and environmentally manage their manure, there are opportunities for rural economic growth. Installing Sistema bio digesters offers new local opportunities for farmers like selling bioslurry or using it on their farm to improve soil fertility. On the biogas side, farmers save on LPG expenses, which in turn increases their living standards. 

Through the use of biodigesters, manure provides an opportunity for farm energy independence since it allows farmers to meet on-farm energy needs. Biogas can be used to generate electricity for cattle sheds or houses, and it can be used to run fans, motors and chaff cutters in cow sheds so that their electricity consumption is controlled. This allows farmers to reduce reliance on utilities, thus helping local utilities to meet the growing energy demand with locally sourced renewable energy.

Biogas also reduces greenhouse gas emissions by capturing methane gas that may otherwise have been released to the atmosphere and by displacing fossil fuel energy use. In short, it empowers farmers with renewable energy, making them energy-independent while contributing to the fight against climate change. wants to create every possible environment to allow farmers to become renewable energy producers, enhancing their independence and increasing their incomes. This mission also intends to empower rural women to become future leaders in the social impact sphere, bringing prosperity and growth to rural India.

Sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals –environmental health, economic profitability, and social equity. The search for social justice should include  employment equity for farmers, farm workers, and others employed in the system. Biodigesters can support equal opportunities for farmers by improving financial and other resources for farmers, creating sustainable solutions for their farms, and reducing drudgery in agriculture by promoting appropriate technology.

At, we strive to respect our  core values, such as “Work hard because farmers work hard.” We work to empower rural farming families through increased savings and income building.

Farmers have a great importance in our society. Farmers are the ones who feed nations. Hence they require improved equity, justice, well-being and dignity. addresses larger issues related to equity and justice through biodigesters, helping farmers’ energy independence.

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