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Partnership with the municipality of Zipaquirá, Colombia Colombia started the installation of 10 units of Sistema 12 in Zipaquirá. This digesters are sponsored by the municipality and will treat cattle waste to reduce greenhouse gases, use of firewood and increase production of local fertilizers to improve the quality of pasture and ultimately increase milk production in the region.

Piloting biodigesters with to start the Ecuador Biogas Program  

During the last week of November, the Colombian team installed a Sistema 20 and a 40 in Machachi and in the City of Santo Domingo respectively. The support was provided through CIMNE, an NGO from Spain dedicated to technology research with the objective of starting the pilot for the Ecuador Nacional Biogas Program.
The auditor who reviewed the performance of the systems was surprised by the quality of the reactors, the ease of installation and how aesthetic they look.

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