leading the biogas revolution: Unlocking Impact Finance for Clean Cooking Solutions

In May 2023, our Chief Strategy Officer, Esther Altorfer, participated in the Innovate4Climate Forum and presented two groundbreaking reports on the success of biogas technology in addressing the financial gap associated with producing clean cooking solutions through Results-Based Financing (RBF). In 2019, was chosen as the biogas technology partner for research conducted for these two reports in collaboration with The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and The World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). The two pieces of research are complementary, providing strong evidence of the health and gender impacts resulting from biogas use as a clean cooking intervention, with the ultimate goal of monetizing these benefits through the use of Impact bonds to reach more farmers.

For more information, we encourage you to read them.

1. BUILDING EVIDENCE TO UNLOCK IMPACT FINANCE: A Field Assessment of Clean Cooking Co-Benefits for Climate, Health, and Gender



This report, conducted by ESMAP and the Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev) at the Climate Change Group of the World Bank, provides a comprehensive study on evaluating the advantages of clean cooking interventions for climate, health, and gender. It specifically focuses on a field test that utilizes digesters, aiming to authenticate methodologies, establish assumptions, understand procedures and costs, and provide suggestions for further enhancement and application.

2. Clean Impact Bond: Mobilizing Finance for Clean Cooking



This report introduces the Clean Impact Bond (CIB),  a results-based financing (RBF) instrument  that mobilizes funds based on the sales of  certified health and gender credits in the modern energy cooking sector. The CIB,  the first of its kind,  was structured  in collaboration with Cardano Development, IFC, BIX Capital, the Osprey Foundation, and Additionally, the report  provides context on the CIB and demonstrates the significant health and gender benefits of clean cooking through the use of biogas. The target audience for this brief includes investors, financial intermediaries, multilateral/development finance institutions, outcome buyers, clean cooking companies, and other market players who are interested in promoting clean cooking solutions, supporting inclusive businesses, addressing climate change, and advancing gender equality.

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