new partners in Kenya

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Partnerships to scale to Uganda

With Africa having waited for along time for products & services and business models that actually meets their needs, we are happy to announce that we have now spread our wings to Uganda. An effort that wouldn’t have been easy without our partners Biogas Solutions Uganda (BSU) and Heifer International. This forms our first step towards scaling across Africa. signed a partnership agreement with BSU in April 2018. BSU is a market will enable to improve access of it’s digesters to farmers in Uganda through facilitator for biogas companies in Uganda. Through it’s incentive program, this partnership subsidized prices. This far, the partnership has seen a steady growth in Uganda sales

The partnership with Heifer International; has seen the installation of demo sites in different states of Central Kampala. This collaboration has also enabled have access to farmers through the different hubs that are run by Heifer International.  This will complement the growing sales in Uganda as we seek to achieve sustainable energy and agricultural solutions for all.

Kenya Climate Ventures invests in’s expansion in Kenya

Kenya Climate Ventures (KCV), a World Bank Fund, concluded an investment round in to deliver sustainable renewable energy and agricultural solutions to farmers in Kenya. The convertible debt investment will help accelerate’s expansion and growth of the existing market in Kenya. This will ensure residents in rural areas gain access to clean energy by profitably managing all the waste in their households while safeguarding their health.

KCV is an independent subsidiary of Kenya Climate Innovation Center. The firm is an independent investment management company based in Kenya seeking to commercially minimize the impact of climate change by providing much needed tailored and targeted financial and managerial assistance support to innovative early stage businesses that advances transformative solutions that mitigate and/or help adapt to climate change. KCV seeks to invest in businesses that have relevant products or services, sustainable competitive advantage, good management teams and ethical business practices.


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